## Complex joint nutrition
ALAVIS Triple Blend Extra Strong contains a combination of chondroprotective
substances (glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate), substances MSM branded
Collyss collagen and Cartidyss.
ALAVIS Triple Blend extra thick is suitable for regeneration of the musculoskeletal system,
especially for preventive use in foals and horses in work and sports
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Effects of the product range ALAVIS Triple Blend Extra Strong:
* Nutrition, protection and regeneration of joint cartilage and tissue
* Alleviate musculoskeletal pain
* Improved mobility, greater physical performance
* Decelerated to stop further deterioration of joint cartilage
* Extension of working age of the animals
* Improving the overall health condition
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Glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate form a natural part of joint
cartilage and synovial fluid. Chondroitin sulfate has a notable capacity
bound by water in tissues. Thus ensuring the correct function of cartilage, its strength,
flexibility and resistance. The mechanism of action of both substances is common and
It consists in chondroprotective (cartilage-protecting) action. effects include
regeneration of joint cartilage and tissue, improve mobility, and thereby significantly
positively affect the health condition of the animals.
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Methylsulfonylmethane – MSM – is a natural substance containing organically bound
Sir, which is involved in the formation of collagen, strengthens ligaments and tendons,
has a relaxing effect on the muscles and regeneration. MSM is involved not only limited to
joint pain, but thanks to its antioxidant and detoxifying effects also on
degradation of damaged tissue. The pain control is recommended to take MSM and u
traumatic and postoperative states, where it was also found improved healing.
MSM has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, vasodilator and anti-edema effect. Ma
through when removing muscle pain, muscle spasm, and
tendon pain.
* * *
Hydrolyzed collagen and Collyss Cartidyss
Collyss * Type I collagen of the highest quality – occurs in strongly
loaded structures such as tendons and fibrocartilage. It is resistant to
strength, and therefore it is very important for the strength of tendons and thereby for reinforcement
musculoskeletal system. The collagen also occurs in the bones and skin. collagen
Type I Collyss patent-produced purified collagen hydrolyzate acquisition
cartilage seafood.
Cartidyss * collagen type II in the highest quality – and maintains the shape of the cartilage
to prevent its deformation. Collagen type II is part of the elastic and hyaline
cartilage and is resistant to pressure. Cartidyss is purified collagen hydrolyzate
Obtaining cartilage stingrays.