EXTRIMO complete feed for rats.
* sachets are zippered, so the feeding retains its fragrance and freshness
Ingredients: corn, barley, wheat groats, sunflower expellets, wheat,
peeled oats, alfalfa meal, corn flakes, ragged potatoes, flax
seminar, dried apple, raisins, dried papaya and darts,
dried carrots, wheat flakes and flour, dried banana, peanuts
peeled, dried tomato, potato starch, soya peel, rice flour, roasted
wheat, sunflower oil, dried calendula, calcium carbonate, chloride
Nutritional supplements (vitamins / kg): vitamin A 7340m. j., vitamin D3 767m.
j., vitamin E 61.9mg
Trace elements / kg: iron 85.68 mg, copper 2.7mg, zinc 13.68mg, manganese 5.4mg,
iodine 0.18mg, selenium 0.03mg, preservatives and antioxidants
Weight: 750g