Warm Mat 32 W 28×45 Cm Trixie Heating Systems Fog Lights Terrarium


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SKU: 124371 Category:


Warm mat 8W / 15x20cm, 16W / 20x30cm, 24W / 20x45cm, 32W / 28x45cm – ideal
heat source – optimal supply to terrarium residents – promotes healing
process in sick animals and increases their good health – has a stimulating effect
on the activity of animals and promotes digestion – a warm mat can be placed
“In” or “under” terrarium – can be used for multiple terrariums at the same time, it depends
on the size and shape of the terrarium Instructions for use: 1 / before use properly
check that the washer is OK and do not cross the 2 / washer without damaging it
avoid contact with other objects 3 / when laying the cable under the ground,
use only a thin layer of soil max 2cm to maintain maximum
the calorific value of the mat 4 / must not exceed the temperature in the terrarium slope
how 33% of the terrarium floor heat 5 / mat always use in combination with
Thermostat 6 / water-resistant 7 / Do not use in water! 8 /
Not suitable for people. 9 / Do not fold, roll or cut the mat
Manufacturer: Trixie GmbH, Germany Importer: Askino, Ltd.