Purina Pro Plan adult small mini OptiDigest Grain Free turkey 700 g Purina Pro Plan Feed to 1.5 kg Dogs


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Formulated with a high content of turkeys. Complete feed no grain produced
especially for adult dogs of small and dwarf breeds prone to problems
digestion. PURINA FOR PLAN Dog Adult Small & Mini Sensitive Digestion with
OPTIDIGEST – GRAIN FREE formula is highly digestible food, produced without
cereal for dogs with sensitive digestion. The food contains all the nutrients
Your dog needs to maintain long-term health and well-being. Feed
OPTIDIGEST contains a special combination of nutrients to support digestive health
system. It contains highly digestible raw materials (such as eggs), which
facilitate the digestive process and bentonite, which helps improve the quality of feces.
New feed GRAIN FREE version offers the same benefits as the existing certified
PLAN PRO version with OPTIDIGEST. In this variant of feed cereals
replaced cassava and other raw materials. We have extended our offer to feed
for dogs with sensitive digestion, so you can choose food that will be your
dog best suits In this alternative feed grains are replaced
cassava and other raw materials. We have extended our offer to feed dogs
sensitive digestion, so you can choose food that will be your dog
most comfortable. Turkey contains high-quality protein. Easily
digestible for dogs with sensitive digestion – contains highly digestible raw materials
(Such as eggs), which facilitate the digestion process and bentonite which binds
excess water and helps improve the quality of feces. It contains prebiotics (eg.
beet pulp), which significantly promote bowel health. improves balance
intestinal microflora – contains prebiotics that are proven to increase the number of
bifidobacteria in the intestine and contribute to improving the balance of intestinal
microflora. Promotes good feces quality – contains a specific folder
support gut health and quality of feces Ingredients: turkey (17%), dehydrated
chicken protein, pea starch, manioc (12%), pea protein, animal
fat, dried peas, sugar beet pulp, flavoring innards,
soybean meal, egg powder, minerals, fish oil, yeasts.
Analytical components: protein: 30.0%, fat content 17.0%, content of inorganic
substances: 8.0%, crude fiber: 3.0%.

Additional information

Weight 700 g



Purina Pro Plan

