Marine and freshwater aquariums pellets of charcoal of plant origin,
activated in a hot air oven and mechanically pressed. The density of the material
ensures a high level of filtration through mesopores due to the specific structure. IN
aquarium environment, coal fulfills several functions: * removing chlorides; *
eliminates unpleasant odors; * Removes yellowish color of the water; *
removes traces of medicines residues after use; * removes
heavy metals, including iron and lead; * Purified water. NOT EFFECTIVE AGAINST NITRITŮM,
OR AMONIAKÅ®M nitrates. SPECIFICATIONS: Water content: less than 8%. – Content
ash: less than 8%. – Porosity: 1100 m2 per gram of product. – Molecular
Composition: mesopores (dirt trap between 2-50 microns). – AbsorPetCentere
Iodine: 1000 mg / g. – Ph: 7-7.5. USE: 1 kg to treat 600 liters of water.
Replace COAL After months. After using medicines, mineral nutrients,
fertilizers, liquid feed integrators and trace elements to remove any coal
from the filter.