Haquoss CARBOMAX FOR 500g Haquoss spare parts and accessories Fish


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SKU: 247084 Category:


Marine and freshwater aquariums pellets of charcoal of plant origin,
activated in a hot air oven and mechanically pressed. The density of the material
ensures a high level of filtration through mesopores due to the specific structure. IN
aquarium environment, coal fulfills several functions: * removing chlorides; *
eliminates unpleasant odors; * Removes yellowish color of the water; *
removes traces of medicines residues after use; * removes
heavy metals, including iron and lead; * Purified water. NOT EFFECTIVE AGAINST NITRITŮM,
OR AMONIAKÅ®M nitrates. SPECIFICATIONS: Water content: less than 8%. – Content
ash: less than 8%. – Porosity: 1100 m2 per gram of product. – Molecular
Composition: mesopores (dirt trap between 2-50 microns). – AbsorPetCentere
Iodine: 1000 mg / g. – Ph: 7-7.5. USE: 1 kg to treat 600 liters of water.
Replace COAL After months. After using medicines, mineral nutrients,
fertilizers, liquid feed integrators and trace elements to remove any coal
from the filter.

Additional information

Weight 500 g


